I’m Chanika
Level 2 QHHT Practitioner, Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master & Intuitive Life Coach
Chances are you’re here because you’re in search of greater meaning and a life free from confusion, disconnection or pain. And one of the first things I want you to know is this:
I have been there and come out of it. If I can do it, you can do it, too.
I’ve been on my own journey with awakening, healing and rediscovering myself, and now it’s my gift to help others do the same.
My own story starts in Thailand, where life had early defined my awareness of duality: lightness and darkness, flaws and virtues, suffering and wisdom. While my adolescence was chequered with challenge, rebellion and lessons, I was grounded by the guidance of my parents, who had instilled in me a respect for ancient wisdom, Vipassana Meditation, spirituality and metaphysics. Throughout those years of ups and downs, I returned to the practice of meditation and mindfulness. Within me, there was always a sense of something ‘more’; I was searching, but couldn’t yet make the connection.
An awakening
In 2015, major life traumas brought an unexpected awakening within me, but only after I thought I’d lost everything (including myself). Over a number of years, I travelled, searched and tried different ways to heal. Then I stopped, paid attention to myself and went within. It was then that I found myself again.
That began a renewed journey, exploring modalities and piecing together my understanding of our innate, subconscious knowledge. As my background was from engineering, I was already fascinated with physics and chemistry. My line of work required logical thinking, that we always need proof for everything. I had been struggling to understand many of the theories and equations - until my awakening.
I began to learn things outside of Classical Physics and started to listen to my heart, apply consciousness and observation into the equation, that is when things started making more sense and a whole new world of spirituality and metaphysics opened to me.
A call to Quantum Healing
In 2019, I watched one of Dolores Cannon's QHHT lectures. From then on, everything started to make sense. My own experience with QHHT was astounding, loving and empowering, walking me on the path of compassion, love, trust and beyond. I felt the call to dive deeper into other aspects of Quantum Healing Hypnosis and explored IQH (Illuminated Quantum Healing) and later on, Introspective Hypnosis and Clinical Hypnotherapy.
I have called New Zealand home since 2009, where I live with my loving Kiwi husband and young daughter. Being a mum gives me an expansive perspective in life, but it hasn’t been without its challenges, including Hyperemesis during pregnancy, followed by Postnatal Depression shortly after my daughter was born. With each of these experiences I have learned to surrender and trust the divine.
I walk beside you
Like many of my clients, I have had my fair share of illnesses, pain, grief, sorrow, suffering and darkness. I know what it’s like to feel lonely, lost, hurt. However my life experience has shaped my journey to where I am now, and I know it helps me in supporting others as they move through trauma, self-sabotaging patterns, generational trauma, suppressed emotions - or whatever their story is that has brought them here.
I have healed myself many times over, and never stop learning, trusting that life provides us lessons for us to grow and evolve as a soul.
If you're ready to heal, to understand the wisdom that resides within you, then I'm looking forward to walking side by side with you as part of your own journey home to yourself.

Credentials & Qualifications
Level 2 QHHT Practitioner (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique)
IQH Practitioner
C.Ht. (Clinical Hypnotherapy)
Introspective Hypnosis Practitioner
Reiki Master
Certified Life Coach
NLP Practitioner
IICT Member (International Institute for Complementary Therapists)
Reiki NZ Inc Member
ANZCAL accredited coach (Associate)
Curious, but not sure what’s right for you?
I’d love to hear from you, learn about what you’re seeking, and share more about how I can support you.